My life, as it stands at the moment, revolves around several distinct themes. The first is science. I love science because there are a limitless number of questions to be asked, and one of my great passions is experimenting and researching in an attempt to find the answers to some of these questions. Creativity is key here, because the path from question to answer is usually nonlinear, but must often be approached by novel means. Another theme is my passion for environmental conservation. As a paleoecologist, my primary concern is how organisms affect and are affected by their environments through space and time. My interest in paleoecology stems from many years of thinking about environmental issues such as destruction and sustainability. A third theme, which is really more of a circumstance, is that as a graduate student, I have learned to live by the motto, "If it's broke, fix it." Living on a limited budget is nothing new for me, but for perhaps the first time in my life, I have begun to see it less as a hindrance and more as a motivator. I've discovered the intrinsic rewards of reducing, reusing, and recycling. My hope is that, in writing this blog, others will also realize that living frugally is not about deprivation of needs and wants, but is actually about a responsibility which transcends economic classes and pushes us to make lifestyle choices which will be mutually beneficial to both ourselves and to the environment.
To that end, this blog neatly synthesizes the great themes of my life, and I hope that it will serve as a jumping-off point for your own discovery of what frugality means in your life. Every person will be different, and therefore must adjust his or her needs and wants within the context of environmental and economic sustainability. If these pages provide you with some ideas, I will consider it a success. The best education is reciprocal, however, so please share your thoughts and ideas with others so that we can all learn and create together!
the FruGAL
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