
If you're searching for the latest trends in name-brand beauty products, go ahead and click the back button, because you aren't going to find that here.  Instead, I'm going to share some of the do-it-yourself beauty aids that I have stumbled upon over the last few years in my quest for low-cost, low-impact products.  Keep in mind that making your own concoctions will take patience, and likely (because everyone is different) a little bit of tweaking.  The most important to keep in mind is to have fun!  The great thing about doing-it-yourself is that it is a little bit like a science project.  Enjoy getting to know your products and your body; I promise it will be more rewarding (if a little more time consuming) than simply grabbing it off the shelf.  In no particular order, here is the list.

The simplest eye makeup remover you could ever want:

  • q-tips/cotton balls
  • baby oil
  • place a few drops of baby oil on the q-tip/cotton ball and rub over (closed) eyelids until makeup is removed
  • rinse thoroughly with water
added bonus: it keeps your eyes nice and moisturized!

DIY Man's Haircut:

If you've got an extra-brave man and want to save a little bit of cash (haircuts are deceptively expensive!), try cutting his hair on your own.  I'll admit that it is a little nerve-wracking at first, but it is actually not a bad stress reliever!  Who knew!
Here's what you will need:
  • bed sheet or towel (to drape around him and/or on the floor beneath the chair)
  • chair
  • electric clippers
  • scissors (generally those used to cut hair are small to medium sized with blunt tips)
  • fine-toothed comb
  • spray bottle filled with water

 Learn the ropes by checking out this video.  It's much simpler than you might expect!

Remember, if you are nervous, just cut a little at a time.  And remember, the worst-case scenario is that he has to go get it cut professionally and he never lets you cut his hair again.  Could be worse...

I did a little DIY haircut myself this weekend, and I have to admit, it might be my best work yet!



1 comment:

  1. You can also use Vaseoline as an eye make up remover - spread some over your eye, and wipe off with a tissue. It's also a low-cost moisturizer for dry skin. You won't want to lather it on your face, obviously, but a dab or two in trouble areas should clear that right up - just make sure to wash your face in the morning!
